Singkatan Istilah-istilah dalam Pemeriksaan Laboratorium
Singkatan | Arti atau Kepanjangan |
ALAT | Alfa 1 Antitripsin |
ACTH | Adrenocorticotropin |
ADH | Anti Diuretic Hormon |
ADH | Anti Diuretic Hormon |
AFP | Alfa Feto Protein |
AGD/AGDA | Analisa Gas Darah Arteri |
A-ds-DNA | ANti Double Standed DNA |
AHF | Anti Hemofilic Factor (factor VIII) |
AIDS | Aquired Immuno Defisiensi Syndrome |
ALD | Aldolase enzym |
ALP | Alkalis Posfatase |
ALT | Alanin Amino Transferase (SGPT) |
ANA test | Anti Nuclear Antibody test |
APC | Antibodi Presenting Cell |
AST | Aspartat Aminotransferase (SGOT) |
ASTO | Anti Streptolisin -O |
APTT | Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time |
BAO | Basic Acid Output (pemeriksaan getah lambung) |
BMP | Bone Marrow Punction |
BT | Bleding Time (masa pendarahan) |
BUN | Blood Urea Nitrogen |
CA | Carsinoma Antigen |
CD | Cluster of Deferentiation / Cluster Designation |
CEA | Carsinoma Embrionic Antigen |
CF | Complemen Fixation |
CG | Chorionic Gonadotropin |
CKMB | Creatinkinase label M dan B |
CO/LCS | Cairan Otak/ Liquor Cerebro Spinalis |
CP | Cerupoplasmin |
CRP | Protein C Reactif |
CMV | Cytomegalo virus |
CPK/CK | Creatin Posfokinase |
CT | Cloting Time (masa pembekuan) |
CTH | Calsitonin Hormon |
DIC | Disseminated Intravasculer coagulation |
DNA | Diribio Nucleic Acid |
Ds-DNA | Double Stranded-DNA |
E1 | Estron (komponen estrogen) |
E2 | Estradiol (estrogen) |
E3 | Estriol |
E4 | Estretol |
EBV | Epstein Barr Virus |
EIA | Anzyme Immuno Assay |
ELISA | Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay |
FSF | Fibrin Stabilized Faktor (factor XIII) |
FT | Fragility Test |
FTA-ABS | Fluorocence Treponemal Antibodi Absorption |
FSH | Folikel Stimulating Hormon |
G6PD | Glukosa 6 Posfat Dehidrogenase |
Gamma GT | Gamma Globulin Test |
GGT | Gamma Glutamil Transferase |
HAI | Human Aglutination Inhibitor |
HB | Haemoglobin |
HbA1C | Hemoglobin A Glikosilasi (Tingkat ikatan gula dengan Hemoglobin A) |
HB-S | Hemoglobin sel sabit |
HBcAg | Antigen inti Virus Hepatitis B |
HBeAg | Antigen core virus Hepatitis B yang beredar |
HBsAg | Hepatitis B Surface Antigen |
HCG | Human Chorionic Gonadotropin |
HCG EIA | Pemeriksaan HCG dengan Enzyme Immuno Assay |
HDN | Hemolitic Dease of The New Born |
HDL | High Density Lipoprotein |
HER | Hemoglobin Eritrosit Rata-rata |
HG | Haptoglobin |
HGH / STH | Human Growth Hormon / Somatotropik Hormon |
HIV | Human Immunodefisiensi Virus |
5-HIAA | 5 Hidroxyndole Acetic Acid |
HI test | Hemaglutination Inhibition Test |
HLA | Human lekosit Antigen |
HMT / HCT | Hematokrit / Hemoconcentration |
HPL | Hormon laktogen Plasenta |
HSV1 / HSV2 | Herpes Simplex Virus 1 atau 2 |
IEP | Immuno Electro Phoresis |
Ig A, D, E, G, M | Imunoglobulin jenis A,D,E,G,M |
INR | Internatinal Normalize Ratio |
ITP | Idiopatic Thrombocitopenic Purpura |
KHER | Konsentrasi Hemoglobin Eritrosit Rata-rata |
LDH | Lacatat Dehidrogenase |
LDL | Low Density Lipoprotein (lemak jahat) |
LED | Laju Endap Darah (KEF) : Kecepatan Endap Eritrosit |
LPB | Limposit Plasma B |
Mast Sel | Sel Mastosit |
MAO | Maksimum Acid Output (pemeriksaan getah lambung) |
MCA | Mucin Like carcinoma Assosiated Antigen |
MCH | Mean Corpuscullar Hemoglobin |
MCHC | Mean Corpuscullar Hemoglobin Consentrasion |
MCV | Mean Corpuscullar Volume |
5-NT | Nucleotidase-5 |
PAP | Prostatic Acid Fosfatase / Fosfatase Asam |
PRP | Platelet Rich Plasma |
Pa O2 | Tekanan Oksigen dalam arteri |
Pa CO2 | Tekanan Co2 dalam arteri |
PBI | Protein Bound Iodine |
PPT | Pregnosticon Plano Test |
PSA | Prostatic Specific Antigen |
PT | Protombin Time |
PTU | Propiltio Uracil |
PPT | Protombin Partial Time |
RA | Rheumatoid Arthritis |
RF | Rheumatoid Factor |
RhF | Rhisus factor |
RPR | Rapid Plasma Reagen |
SLE | Systemic Lupus Eritematosus |
SDM | Sel Darah Merah |
SGOT | Serum Glutamic Oxaloasetic Transaminase |
SGPT | Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase |
SatI | Saturasi Iron |
SI | Serum Iron |
T3 | Triiodothironin |
T4 | Thyroxin |
TA | Thyroid antibody |
TCR | T Cell Receptor |
TH | T Helper |
TIBC | Total Iron Baound Capacity |
TORCH | Toksoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus dan Herpes simplex |
TPHA | Treponema Pallidum Hemaglutination Assay |
TSH | Thyroid Stimulating Hormon |
VDRL | Veneral Desease Researh Laboratory |
VER | Volume Eritrosit Rata-rata |
VHA (HAV) | Virus Hepatitis A (Hepatitis Virus A) |
VHB (HBV) | Virus Hepatitis B (Hepatitis Virus B) |
VHC (NANB) | Virus Hepatitis C / Hepatitis Virus non A non B |
VLDL | Very Low Density Lipoprotein |